Nowadays, virtually in every business sector, with the medical device sales department not excluded, leadership has been seen as an opportunity for relaxation from the stress of the field work. The purpose of leadership has been misused and the leaders themselves have forgotten most of all the leadership skills they learned from those leadership training, summits, and conferences. Or maybe, they have just refused to apply the leadership skills learned with the aim to magnify their position and make things difficult for the employees under them.
Leadership is an act of service and should be seen in such a context. It’s an opportunity to transfer the lessons, skills, ability, and potentials that you have learned while climbing the ladder of leadership to your subordinates working under you.
Because of the specialty, technicality and the professionalism of the medical device sales profession, medical device sales managers should, therefore, make efforts to the development of their leadership capacity instead of following the leadership norms.
As a medical device sales manager, you are not just to be in the office and sit before your computer with a cup of hot coffee on your desk. In fact, your major assignment is not to give monthly target to your supervisors and salespersons or to attend seminars, manager’s team meetings, conferences, etc. Rather, to go out there into the field and monitor how your salespersons are doing, teaching and coaching them on the excellent sales skills you have learned over the years. Ask for feedback about the possible challenges that your salespersons have encountered during their fieldwork, major objects from customers and let them have some hints on how to handle them. Be a mentor, a coach, a teacher, and a leader. Sometimes you can be a servant too because you will have to lead by example, so you’ve got to do it first and let them see.
Developing an effective and efficient relationship skill will help you to relate well with your supervisors and salespersons. You will have good interactive sections to understand the market situation for your medical device products. Ask to know if your salespersons are happy with themselves and with what they are doing and give them some bunch of encouragement and how you’ve also overcome that stage in your medical device sales career.
Develop your ability to proffer immediately workable solutions to difficult situations. Your salesperson shouldn’t wait too long before you attend to a problem noticed. You must constantly develop yourself to think in an efficient manner that will make any problem an opportunity to expand your medical device sales territory.
To develop your leadership capacity, you must keep learning consciously and consistently. Read leadership books that can get you improved as a medical device sales manager. However, never forget to be practical about every knowledge you’ve gathered.
Try your best to identify your leadership style, learn more about it and measure your productivity with this leadership style. If your leadership style isn’t bringing any positive result out of your sales persona and your medical device sales career entirely, their no big deal in changing it. First, try a couple of the leadership style and see the one that best work for your team then stick to it.